Castlegar Better at Home gives personal attention to its clients

December 9th, 2014

In Castlegar, we do our best to provide our services in a personal, efficient and consistent way.

We believe that by connecting our clients with only one or two service providers, we foster trusting and productive relationships between clients and the Better at Home team. These relationships create safe and consistent connections for our clients, which can reduce isolation and reduce risk for elder abuse. Though we have many fully independent and well connected seniors, we have many more remote and potentially at risk clients who are isolated, either physically or socially.

Many families who have concerns over their loved ones feel the Castlegar Better at Home program fills the gap in needed services and is a gateway to other services and supports in the community. Better at Home connections ensure someone is seeing them regularly and is quick to pass on any concerns that may arise. Gatekeeper training, offered by Community Response Networks (CRNs) ensures the Better at Home team recognize changes and signs of distress in seniors that may require intervention to help attain additional supports. Concerns are reported to the Better at Home Program Coordinator or Seniors Advocate for further action, as required.

Kathleen Barisenkoff, a senior living in Castlegar for over 50 years has been a Better at Home client since August 2014. Kathleen very much looks forward to seeing her assigned housekeeping contractor, Loni, on a regular basis: “Loni is a little angel. We just get along so well. She is so quick, so good. Great personality. I feel so good to be at home and have a clean house. Loni is exceptional, we get along so well!”

Better At Home is not just about cleaning – it’s about creating connections and promoting independence in a safe and happy environment, at home.

By Sandi McCreight, Program Coordinator – Castlegar Better at Home

In Castlegar, we do our best to provide our services in a personal, efficient and consistent way. We believe that by connecting our clients with only one or two service providers, we foster trusting and productive relationships between clients and the Better at Home team.