Meeting the Needs of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Seniors: WIDHH Better at Home Project

June 28th, 2016

The “WIDDH Better at Home Project” will provide transportation and friendly visiting services to Deaf and Hard of Hearing (HoH) seniors and assist them in living independently in their homes and communities.

United Way’s Better at Home program has embarked on a one year project with the Western Institute for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (WIDHH) to assess the emerging needs of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (HoH) seniors’ population, and provide services in a linguistically and culturally accessible format to these seniors living in the Lower Mainland.

Deaf and HoH seniors have unique linguistic and cultural challenges, such as not having full communication access to mainstream programs, services and information provided by Government, community service organizations and/or agencies.

The “WIDDH Better at Home Project” will aim to close these gaps by providing transportation and friendly visiting services to Deaf and Hard of Hearing (HoH) seniors, and assist them in living independently in their homes and communities.

For contact information, please visit WIDDH Better at Home Project.